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1 Dahlia Decorative - Penny Lane

1 Dahlia Decorative - Penny Lane

£2.99 each

Penny Lane is a very pale apricot coloured dahlia with contrasting deep apricot coloured stripes. It grows up to 100cm tall and flowers all summer long. A subtle addition to your beds and borders.

Dahlias like any well cultivated, garden soil with a good supply of organic material. Sunny sites away from strong winds.

Use as a border or bedding plant dahlias make good cut flowers. Short varieties can also be grown in containers on the patio or balcony.

Dahlias vary in height, so plant at the front or back of borders or in pots, according to height. Keep the plants well watered during growth. Either lift tubers after flowering and store frost free in dry compost or particularly in warmer areas, cover with a mulch over winter.

For early flowering, tubers may be started off in boxes in April; use a light soil mixed with compost. Keep slightly moist, cool and free from frost. When he danger of frosts has passed, plant out the sprouted tubers. If used as a cut flower, cut the stems on when the flower has fully developed.