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Felco No 12 Complex Deluxe

Felco No 12 Complex Deluxe

£77.50 each


Felco Model No. 12 - Compact Deluxe are the top-of-the-line Felco secateurs for smaller hands. It features a rotating cutting blade handle which helps prevent or reduce blisters and muscle fatigue that results from prolonged pruning. This pruner is identical to the Felco Model No. 6 but it has a handle similar to the Felco Model No. 7. Smaller cutting head allows for precision pruning closer to the trunk. The Felco Model No. 12 is recommended for heavy and prolonged pruning as well as for small hands.


Comfortable light sturdy handles made of forged aluminium with a lifetime guarantee / blade and screw-mounted anvil blade made of high-quality hardened steel / clean precise cut / all parts can be replaced


Easy durable cutting adjustment / wire cutting notch / sap groove
Hand and wrist protection and optimisation of the force exerted are provided by the revolving handle and the cushion-shock absorber / non-slip coating