Rosa 'Korresia' is a reliable floribunda bush rose with bright yellow medium double flowers and is very healthy.
- Height: 75cm
- Spread: 60cm
- Growing Conditions: Full sun or partial shade and fertile, humus-rich, moist, well-drained soil
- Scented: Good
Dig to about a spades depth and mix in organic material - we recommend Blended Farmyard Manure or Rose, Tree and Shrub compost. If planting in the Autumn and Winter use a mug full of Bonemeal mixed in too. Remove the rose from the pot and plant so that the top of the rootball (and the union) are at or slightly below soil level. Firm well with your foot. Water thoroughly.
Roses don't like being planted where roses have grown before - it is known as Replant Sickness. If you have no choice but to plant where roses have been, change some of the soil for fresh Top Soil and use Rootgrow in the planting hole - this product contains beneficial mychorrhizal fungi which enable the plant to develop a robust root system.
Feed in early spring with a dedicated rose food (Toprose or Westland Rose food) and again at Midsummer - mix in with the soil and water in well. Water your rose until it is well established - often the first Spring after planting is most crucial. Water thoroughly as roses are deep rooted and then leave them - little and often is not so effective.